Item Labels

Item Labels


Item labels can be printed for any item in any quantity. Printing labels is a two-step process, first you will choose the parameters that you would like to print and then a second screen will allow you to choose the quantities and UOM's of the items that you have chosen. 


A variety of options allow for choosing items based on warehouse location, item category, item number, purchase order, inventory transfer and price change date. If purchase order or inventory transfers are used as criteria for the labels, labels are created for the items on the purchase order or transfer and in the quantity specified by the purchase order or transfer. If you chose a date range for price change then only the items that have had a price change during that date range will print out.

     If warehouse, item category, or item number range is used, the quantities are based on the current on hand quantity of the item. Only items with a quantity on hand greater than zero are selected.

INV>Reports>Item Labels
  • Starting and Ending Manufacturer – you are able to print labels by manufacturer or range of manufacturers

  • Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of

  • Starting and Ending Class – Labels can be pulled by class or range of classes. Classes are optional setup field in inventory not everybody will use them.

  • Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.

  • Starting or ending Purchase order - you can print labels for items that were on a purchase order, the amount of labels that defaults in will be based on the amount that were on the PO. This is just a default and can be changed.

  • Starting and Ending price change date – TRX tracks when a price changes either from manual change or AQ price update. So you are able to print labels just for items that have had a price change in a specific date range.

Note: This fits in very well with our AQ update procedure. After updating a price you can put in the current date as a price change date and print labels for only those items that had a price change. This will save time changing price tags and money in ink and labor.

  • Transfer Number – All inventory transfers get assigned a number, much like orders and Purchase orders, so if you are at a receiving warehouse you can print just labels for items that are being transferred in.

  • Building Room, Row, Shelf, and Bin – you are able to print labels for an inventory section at a time.

  • Force quantity to one - This check box will print one label for any item that falls under the parameters that you chose. If you label shelf and bin locations and not every item you would check this box so you did not print extra labels.

  • Include price on label – option to include price on labels when checked

  • Items marked Keep in Stock only – check this box to only print labels that have the attribute keep in stock checked

  • Print 4 x 6 Labels – Prints on a flat sheet 4 x 6 label format for larger shelf tags

  • Print Shelf Labels – Prints on shelf tags that fit in a standard tag holder for a second shelf label format.

  • Use Price Rules – If you have a certain customer type price rule for your showroom floor you can check this box and a second box will appear asking which customer the price rule is for it will then calculate the correct price and print them on the tag.

  • Inventory on hand – By checking this box you can print labels for only items that you have in inventory.

After choosing the parameters for the tags you would like to print you should press the continue Icon and a secondary screen will appear that has you label selections and it will allow you to edit the print run one last time before printing. 

  • Item – you can add or delete any items to the print run.

  • Descriptions – this is a non-editable field that has the item description that will print out on the label.

  • Label quantity – This is the amount of labels that will print out. If you have checked force quantity to one box this will default to one label per item. This is good for those who just label the shelves and not every individual piece. If your parameters included purchase orders or transfer numbers the default number will be the amount that was on each document. Any other choices will default to the amount of items that are currently in inventory.

  • UOM – this field represents the selling unit of measure for this item. You can choose another valid UOM by pressing the F9 key and choosing the one you want. Changing the UOM will cause the price to update automatically.

  • Price – this is the price that will print on the label if you have chosen the print price option. This price is based on the selling price unless you are using the use price rules option.

  • Go back – this icon will take you back the parameters screen if you would like to change some options and re-pull the list.

Press the lightning bolt to print your labels the standard label size is 2-3/4 long by 1-1/8 high. 

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