Lot Inventory

Lot Inventory


The Lot Inventory report prints each item for which lot numbers are tracked and the current quantities of each lot in inventory. All items lot items that have a quantity on hand are included on the report regardless of the item's status.


  • Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on

  • Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting

  • Starting and Ending Expiration Date – the date or range of dates in which the lots expire in which lots expire.

  • Starting and ending sell by Dates – Most lots have a sell by date this report can be pulled by the sell by or range of sell by dates.

  • Starting and Ending salesperson – You can choose to report lots by a salesperson or range of salespeople if needed.

INV > Reports > Lot Inventory Report


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