Item Usage Report
The item usage report prints the actual usage of each item over a specific period of time. Options allow for choosing which types of transactions to use in calculating the usage. Usage of items is useful in determining future needs and purchases of items.
Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
Starting and Ending Class – report can be pulled by class or range of classes
Start and End Date – the time period that you would like to check inventory usage in.
User ID –
Exclude Shipped orders – Excluding shipped orders will tell you any open orders that you currently have.
Exclude Transfers – checking this box will not include transfers as used items. Preference some may consider transfers just moving of items because it has not sold other will want to include them because they did relieve the local warehouse inventory levels.
Exclude Project Issues – checking this box will ignore any items that have been issued to projects.
Exclude Physical counts – checking this box will exclude any physical count movement from this report essentially ignoring shrinkage.
Print Warehouse Detail – checking this box will add a warehouse breakdown of the total amount of items.