Inventory Valuation

Inventory Valuation


The Inventory Valuation report shows the current dollar value of inventory. The report can be printed for any range of warehouse location, item category, item class, or item number. The dollar values and quantities are based on the current quantities and costs at the time the report is printed.


     There are four formats for the report. There are 3 different summary reports, which summarize the value by G/L account, warehouse location, or item category. There is also a detail report, which prints the detail for each item. All stocked inventory items that are shown on the report have a quantity other than zero regardless of the item's status. This report must be printed out as part of the month end close process and compared against the subledger inventory accounts.

INV>Reports>Inventory Valuation
  • Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of

  • Starting and Ending Class – report can be pulled by class or range of classes

  • Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting. This report has a list functions for warehouses that will allow you to create a list and save it for later use.

  • Using cost method – the report is a cost-based report you can chose to print the report using the moving average standard or last cost.

  • Detail – checking this box will give you the items detail

  • Summary versions – This report can be printed in summary version by inventory Account, Warehouse or item category

  • Include non-stocked items – There is no reasonable explanation for having this as an option other then there was one instance that a client needed this so it is there. If an item has an attribute of stocked unchecked it will not show on you inventory valuation, nor should it – you will need to correct the item if it does.

  • As of Date – this is an important part of this report TRX tracks when items move in and out of your inventory. So if you print this report with an as of date of last week you will get the inventory valuation of what was in stock on that day. Three years from now if you use the same date you will get the same valuation.

  • Quantity on Hand – this will display a traditional valuation report that is needed for accounting purposes. This will show the entire inventory you have in stock.

  • Allocated Quantity – For some inventory management purposed you may need a report of items that are in inventory but allocated.

  • Un-Allocated quantity - again this report can be used for inventory management purposes it will give you the total inventory minus any items that are allocated for a job.


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