Stock Status
The Stock Status report shows the quantities for each item at each warehouse location. Items for the report can be selected based on a range of warehouse locations, item categories, and item number ranges. A checkbox is used to determine if items with a quantity on hand of zero should be included. If this box is unchecked, a very long report may print.
Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on
Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.
Starting and Ending category – This report can be pulled by a items category or range there of
Print Warehouse Detail – Checking this box will allow an inventory breakout per item to be printed out
Exclude Zero Balances - If you do not want to see columns of zero amount inventories you will want to check this box. Leaving it unchecked create a very long report.
The breakdown of quantities by warehouse can be printed when the Warehouse Detail box is checked.
Quantities are displayed for each warehouse location an item is stocked in with totals for each item.
The available quantity is calculated as quantity on hand + quantity on order – quantity allocated.
Only active items are printed on the report.