Inventory Master

Inventory Master


The Inventory Master report is a listing of inventory items. Extensive options allow for a wide variety of criteria to be used. When looking at your items as a whole this screen will give you the ability cull down your report to just about and variable that you would like. The General, Warehouse and Attribute tabs of the Inventory master report screen can be used to determine which items will appear on the report and the sort order will determine how they are displayed.


There are four formats for the report.

  • Items w/GL Codes, this report shows each item and description along with the G/L codes assigned to the items.

  • Vendor 1, this version shows each item and description along with the preferred vendor, vendor cost and vendor part number

  • Vendor/Qty, this report prints each item and description with the preferred vendor, current quantity on hand, cost, extended cost and selling price

  • User Defined Fields, this report prints each item and description with the user defined fields for each item