Reset User Password

Reset User Password

If a user needs to reset their password, there are a few ways it can be done, based on the permissions. It will either be handled by management or the user themselves.

Reset through Management

To reset the password for another user, you will need to login as the Enterprise user. You will then do the following:

  1. Pull up User Account

    1. Open SYS>User Setup

    2. Double click on the User at the bottom

    3. User info should load up top

  2. Set Password to Expire / Make New Password

    1. Check “Expire Password” checkbox next to the Password fields

    2. (Optional) Enter New password (E.G. ‘trx’ without quotes)

      1. This is if they forgot their original password as well

Next time the user logs in, TRX will have them reset the password. To just update the password, skip step 2a and set the new password with 2b.

Reset by User

To reset the password for yourself, you will need access to the User Setup screen under SYS>User Setup. You will then do the following:

  1. Pull up your Account

    1. Open SYS>User Setup

    2. Double click on your User at the bottom

    3. Your info should load up top

  2. Set Password to Expire

    1. Check “Expire Password” checkbox next to the Password fields

    2. (Optional) Enter New password (E.G. ‘trx’ without quotes)

      1. This is if you forgot their original password as well

Next time you log in, TRX will have you reset the password. To just update the password, skip step 2a and set the new password with 2b.


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