Deadlocks - Slow Speed, Stalling, Locked-up

Deadlocks - Slow Speed, Stalling, Locked-up


If multiple users are locked in TRX, there may be some deadlocks that need to be cleared. To make the correction, you will need to be logged in as Enterprise.

Blocking Locks - Finding and Clearing Locks

Open the Deadlocks screen (SYS>Deadlocks) and check Blocking Locks.

The users listed at the top are blocking the users in the bottom section.

Use the Kill button to end their session. Repeat until there are none on the Blocking Locks.

All Locks - Performance Issues, still Locking

If all the locks are cleared on the Blocking Locks tab, but you are still having locking issues, check the All Locks tab, to see if the screens that are blocked are being blocked by a user.

If they are, then go under the Users tab and hit Kill next to their user.

Rogue Session - Killing Users

If it is just one user having an issue with everything freezing, killing their session can free it up.

Find them under the Users tab and hit Kill next to their user.

Troubleshooting - No Kill button

In order to Kill users, you must be logged in as Enterprise. Enterprise credentials should be known by management.


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